Understanding Peaceful Islam

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    • Create Date 29 November 2022
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    Publisher: Social Trust Fund (STF) UIN Jakarta
    ISBN: 978-623-93509-1-8

    About the Book:
    Islam, from a semantic perspective, comes from the word salam (Arabic: means peaceful). It is therefore, an obligation to every Muslim to spread salam (peaceful message) to others. This word alone has described what the essence of this religion is and how its believers should behave in their daily lives. Promoting the values of rahmatan lil’ alamin among young Muslim as the theme of this youth camp emphasizes did not mean introducing something new about Islam. It is in fact returning the miss-conception about Islam to its actual meaning. The miss-conception about Islam is not something that Muslims can only blame to non-Muslims who do not understand Islam. It happens in quite a large scale among Muslims themselves.
    During the four-day camp, the participants learned and discussed the meaning of rahmatan lil’alamin and how such a basic understanding of Islam was often misunderstood by Muslims. Examples from the Quran and its interpretation as well as from Muslim people were explored and discussed to enhance their understanding. In addition to that, the participants also discussed different schools of Islam that come from different interpretations of the same Islamic resources. It is therefore important to share respect and tolerant towards different religious groups. The camp further discussed a certain thoughts and activities that potentially lead young Muslims to commit to radical understanding of Islam and violent actions.